Friday, February 10, 2012

Kwun/Walker Thesis

What is Kwun's thesis?

Kwun's thesis is that the controversial fashion designs/choices made by Lady Gaga are not haphazard choices but are influenced by architectural concepts and structures.

How does she/he prove this thesis?

Kwun supports this thesis by first describing the headpiece Gaga was wearing on an episode of Ellen.  Kwun mentions that the headpiece is remeniscent architect Etienne Boulee’s proposal of a cenotaph,funerary monument, for Issac Newton.  This comparison between the headpiece and the structure designed by Etienne Boulee is the first way Kwun supports her thesis.  Another example of how Kwun supports her thesis in this document is when she describes the red gown worn by Lady Gaga on an episode of Gossip Girl.  The red gown was designed with a 30' blood red drape.  Stagehands were hidden under the drape of the gown to help Gaga move around the stage without falling.  The stagehands play a more important role towards the end of Gaga's on stage; Gaga climbs a 15' ladder, when she reaches the top the stagehands go under the dress, lifting the drape and creating a sturcture for the dress to form to.  The description of the function of the dress is very similar to the way spaces are formed in the architectural industry.  Spaces are shaped to fufill a certain purpose; for example, a kitchen plan will always include a range, refrigerator, and a sink, without these appliances the space would not service its purpose as a kitchen.

What is Walker's thesis?

Walker's thesis is that the meaning of colors used on packaging are not interpreted the same by all consumers.

How does she/he prove this thesis?

In the beginning of this article Walker explains why the black packaging for cigarettes acts as a danger/warning sign to consumers.  Walker mentions that the color black is usually associated with death, danger, and in this case, the effects caused by smoking (black lung, stained teeth,etc.) After talking about the negative connotations associated with the color black Walker questions how the packaging affects sales, calling the Marlboro black packaging "product suicide".  Walker continues on in the article with a quote from designer DJ Stout saying,“tobacco companies should embrace the restrictions and make cigarettes look truly dangerous.” Walker gives two different examples of cigarette packaging that would be considered product suicide; one with a skeleton on the front of the pack (design by DJ Stout) and another package that is a 3 dimensional warning label (design by Build).  Most people would not be apt to buy cigarettes with a skeleton on the packaging.  However, Walker later states that the hardcore, rebellious smokers would be drawn to the dangerous/deadly looking cigarette packaging. Walker ends this article by stating, "It functions as graphic design jujitsu: Yes, this is dangerous, mortally so; and that’s why you want it." (Walker, Package It Black) The choice to use black for cigarette packaging may be to subliminally warn consumers, however all people associate the color black with different ideas; some think of death while others think of rebellion.

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